The Advanced tab provides you with an Inhibit Points option to Inhibit Points from accruing when the promotion is triggered and a customer has been added to the transaction.
In order for the Inhibit Points option to take effect, the Yes/No option "Inhibit Points on Discounts/Promotions" must be disabled. There is also a User-Defined Text field that allows you to add in specific codes supplied by Idealpos for additional Promotion functionality. This section will not be used unless specified by Idealpos for your current installation.
Go to File > Sales > Promotions > Promotions > Modify > Advanced > Other Options.
This feature allows you to apply promotions to specific customers in your database only.
Create a text file containing all the customer codes that you want to use the promotion. This can be done as
Go to File > Sales > Promotions > Promotions > Add > Create Promotion > Advanced Tab > User-Defined Text: [CUSTOMERFILE=c:\Customers.txt], where c:\Customers.txt is the location of the text file you created. This can be saved on any networked drive.